Android Studio Emulator - Expo Documentation

Step 1: Set up Android Studio's tools



Select "Standard" for the "Install Type" inside the wizard.


Inside Android Studio, go to Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK. Click on the "SDK Tools" tab and make sure you have at least one version of the "Android SDK Build-Tools" installed.


Copy or remember the path listed in the box that says "Android SDK Location."

<aside> 💡 /Users/dongyonglee/Library/Android/sdk


If you are on macOS or Linux, add an environment variable pointing to the Android SDK location in ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshenv if you use Zsh) - eg. export ANDROID_HOME=/your/path/here. Copy and paste these two lines to do this automatically for Bash and Zsh:

[ -d "$HOME/Library/Android/sdk" ] && ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk || ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=$ANDROID_HOME" >> ~/`[[ $SHELL == *"zsh" ]] && echo '.zshenv' || echo '.bash_profile'`

On macOS, you will also need to add platform-tools to your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.zshenv if you use Zsh) - eg. export PATH=/your/path/here:$PATH. Copy and paste this line to do this automatically for Bash and Zsh:

echo "export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:\\$PATH" >> ~/`[[ $SHELL == *"zsh" ]] && echo '.zshenv' || echo '.bash_profile'`